Monday, March 5, 2012

Small Stuff

Posted by Gaylord Campbell

I obsessed over my business plan for what seems like forever now. Every word had to be perfect, and every single detail of my company had to be laid out. This was silly. I now know that you have to plan what you can and then hope for the best. Nothing is really going to go 100% according to plan, so you have to just get the key things in place and then let some of the other stuff happen. The key things ended up being pretty simple, as a matter of fact. I had to have a space to work, a phone to call clients, and internet to be able to email them. The rest would develop over time. I did some searching for the best options for T1 Dallas and came up with a provider very easily. I also secured a commercial space that had recently been vacated, and then got to work. The rest of the stuff—drumming up business and hiring an employee to help me out took a bit more time. Things seem to be running smoothly now though and I am so happy.

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